Speaking of tools, there is a very wide selection of them that are compatible with every Linux distribution.
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In addition, you don’t have to buy any apps or software either since all packages and tools can be downloaded for free as well. For the most part, Linux distros are open-source projects that are available entirely for free. There are a handful of enterprise-grade distros – primarily aimed at sysadmins and server managers – like Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Oracle Linux that do require you to buy a license, but those are exceptions. One of the best things about Linux is that you don’t have to spend a penny on it. You just have to know which distro to pick. Therefore, the learning curve isn’t actually that big of an issue here because Linux is great for users of all skill levels. In fact, there are quite a few Linux distros that are aimed specifically at kids. Linux is seen as being more complex and while it’s true that certain distros can be difficult to wrap your head around, there are plenty that are very easy to learn. There are many reasons why that is but the one that immediately stands out is the ease of use.
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It’s no secret that other operating systems like Windows and macOS are way more popular than most Linux distributions. Why Linux Operating Systems are Perfect for Developers and Programmers In this article, we’re going to cover both types, but before we get into the nitty-gritty of things let’s talk a bit about why you want to choose Linux over other operating systems in the first place. However, there are also a few very solid ones that you may not have considered until before. If we’re talking programming and development, in particular, there are a few obvious distros that you’ve probably already worked with in the past like Ubuntu or Fedora. Even though they’re all part of the same family, Linux distributions can vary greatly from one another.

There are around 600 Linux distros to choose from, so even veteran users may sometimes struggle to find the perfect flavor for their current project. Of course, “Linux” is an umbrella term that can refer to any number of Unix-like operating systems.

While other operating systems can also get the job done pretty well, Linux is a more specialized OS that was designed specifically with programming in mind. Linux might not be the preferred operating system of most regular users, but it’s definitely the go-to choice for the majority of developers and programmers.